Thursday, December 11, 2008

Censoring CBS

If I had to say there were five things that are inappropriate for television I would have to work very hard to narrow the list down to only five. I can think of many things that I would rather not see on TV each night during prime time. But the five most inappropriate things would have to be:
1. Nudity. There is absolutely no place for nudity on television. Pornography is completely wrong and disrespectful and is actually a disease that breaks up families and destroys the souls of men. There is no place for the filth on TV. Children shouldn't have to have their eyes shielded by parents if ever something is shown that wasn't expected. I would censor that first.

2. Sexual Content. This just about goes hand in hand with the first thing. It is just so inappropriate and unnecessary. What happens behind closed doors should stay there. There are many other ways to make a show exciting and interesting without having to include sex. It isn't needed whatsoever.

3. Swearing. This is one that I'm sure I would have to be careful in fully censoring. Most people swear and "hell" or "damn" aren't necessarily offensive to the general public. While I wouldn't mind not having to hear them I know if I worked for CBS they would think differently than me at censoring every swear word. So I would compromise with them and censor the very offensive words and phrases.

4. Drugs. Illegal drugs should not be shown or portrayed as being normal or accepted. Drug use also has no needed place on television.

5. Excessive Violence. Anything that would require a mature audience probably isn't needed on TV. Gore and bloody violence isn't necessary to get a point across. Children would be a lot less likely to turn to violence if they weren't shown how to do it every time they turn the TV on. I would censor excessive violence as well.

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