Monday, October 20, 2008

Read it and weep!

So I asked ten of my closest friends how many books they've read in the last 6 months. Surprisingly, more than I would have guessed. On average the group I asked read 3.85 books in the last 6 months. Considering I've read maybe one in the last 6 months, I thought that average was pretty good. Only one person answered zero. The majority of the people said they had read self help or self improvement books followed by novels then textbooks and the scriptures. My sample group is made up of people obviously like me. Religious students who are ambitious and looking to improve. I'm not sure if this would necessarily be an accurate portrayal of society because most of society isn't made up of students reading textbooks or entrepenuers looking for self help in the business world.
Depending on the cost would greatly change which form of textbook I would want. If electronic textbooks were free or cheaper I would greatly desire them. Actually, I think would prefer electronic over regular anyway. It would make it a lot easier to bring your books to class if all you ahd to do was bring your laptop.
However for leisure reading I would prefer goold old fashioned books. Just holding the book, turning the pages and relaxing with it. Nobody wants to curl up with a good laptop for reading the latest John Grisham novel.

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